
I am so glad that you have taken the time to read the “The Pamphlet”. It was by use of the printed pamphlet that Martin Luther's correspondence was passed from common man to king to incite what we now know as the “Reformation”. I could think of no simpler and greater title with my simple and finite mind. I will put together a few articles and such things that interest and have transformed me in my Christian walk, hoping that it will make at least a small difference in your walk as well. The Pamphlet is free of charge as long as the Lord supplies. If you come across a copy and wish to be on the mailing list to receive it each quarter or to write a bitter letter in objection of my views, both are welcome by mail or email. The content of The Pamphlet will change with each issue, but will most often include: theological articles, snapshots in church history, excerpts from historical creeds and confessions, study and memorization tips, and more to add as I go. In ending, it is my prayer that at least a small piece of this literary imperfection will be able to draw you closer to our perfect God.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Memorization Tips

One of my favorite hobbies is the memorization of God's Word. It is second only to studying Theology. I love to memorize Scripture by chapters so that I grasp the full and intended meaning of the whole passage. There is no better way that I have found to discover spiritual truths than this method. Each day you are constantly reviewing and meditating on the same passages over and over. By using this method you not only memorize the words, but you also draw meaning out of the text that you have never realized before. My first tip is to pick a translation that you really enjoy and a chapter that you love. I love using the English Standard Version and I do all my memorizing in it. My first chapter I fully memorized was Romans Ch. 8. Start simply by just reading one verse a day out loud repeatedly. Each time you repeat it emphasize your tone on a different word in the verse until you have hit all the words. I then write it ten times. I do this each morning and night with a review during the day when time allows. I do not move on to the next verse until I have the last one down pat. I say aloud the previous verses I have learned everyday as a review as well. Index cards are a hugely helpful tool, as well as a good notebook and a smooth writing pen.
It may sound like a lot, but it only takes a few minutes a day to get started. It is difficult in the beginning I will not lie, but It does get much easier, just like exercising.
When I began I would do well to get one verse down pat every 2 to 3 days. After a couple weeks I was soon doing a verse almost everyday. The really long verses I would split in half and treat as two verses. I cannot express the impact this task will have on your spiritual life for the good. I hope that you will persevere through the hard times in the beginning, for there is a great reward when you can quote your first chapter only from mind.

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